Setup Instructions
- Prepare the Project:
- Add a MetaHuman to your scene.
- Add a Cine Camera to the scene.
- Enable the Plugin:
- Go to Edit > Plugins.
- Search for ZenBlink and enable it.
- Restart Unreal Engine to activate the plugin.
- Access ZenBlink Content:
- Enable Engine Content and Plugin Content in the Content Browser settings.
- Search for ‘ZenBlink’ in the Content Browser to view all plugin-related content.
- Add ZenBlink Actor:
- Drag the Example BP_ZenBlink blueprint into the scene.
- Zero out its transform.
- Alternatively, use Quick Add to add the blueprint by typing and searching for ‘ZenBlink.’
Configuring ZenBlink
- Default Settings
- MetaHuman: Assign the MetaHuman Actor you want to animate. Example: Assign ‘BP_Benice.’
- Camera Focus Target: Add a Basic Actor to the scene and rename it (e.g., ‘FocusForCamera’). Assign this actor to a CineCamera Auto Focus tracking/target. The camera will then focus on the Metahuman eyes.
- Target to Follow: Add another Basic Actor to the scene and rename it (e.g., ‘FollowMe’). Assign this actor to Target to Follow. The Metahuman will “LookAt” this target.
- Auto Focus: Toggle Auto Focus.
- Auto Blink: Toggle to enable or disable automatic blinking.
- Use Head Movement: Enable to allow the MetaHuman’s head to track targets.
- Face Animation: Enable or disable facial emotion.
- Emotion: Select from 22 predefined emotions. Each emotion modifies blinking, eye movement, pupil constriction, and head movement.
- Movement Type:
- None: Disables eye movement.
- Random: Movement is driven by the selected emotion.
- Follow Target: Eyes and head follow the assigned target.
- Eye Aim Adjustment: Make adjustments (x,y,z), if eyes do not correctly look at target.
- Face Emotion Strength: Adjust the strength of the emotion
- Face Animation Blend: Adjust blend between Existing and ZenBlink Face Animation. 1 is full ZenBlink override.
- Head Movement Strength: Adjust the strength of ZenBlink head animation.
- Head Movement Blend: Blend between Original and ZenBlink head animation. (Similar to Face Blend)
- Zen Blink Strength: Overall Strength of ZenBlink Animation.
Using ZenBlink Features
- Simulate ZenBlink:
- Hit simulate to observe automatic blinking, eye movement, pupil constriction, and head movement.
- Example: Set the emotion to ‘Childish’ for faster movements.
- Auto Focus with Camera:
- Open your Cine Camera settings.
- In Focus Settings, Enable Tracking and assign the ‘FocusForCamera’ actor.
- Adjust relative offsets for precise focus.
- Use ZenBlink with Sequencer:
- Create a Level Sequence (e.g., ‘ZenBlinkSequence’) and set frames (e.g., 500).
- Add your camera and ZenBlink actor to the sequence.
- Keyframe properties such as Emotion, Eye Movement Type, and Weight.
- Add movement to the camera and simulate to make the MetaHuman track the camera with its eyes and head.
- Combine with Existing Animations:
- ZenBlink integrates with face and body animations.
- Note: Enabling Use Head Movement may override head animations in your sequence.
- Record ZenBlink Animations:
- Use the record button in Sequencer to capture ZenBlink animations.
- Locate the recorded animation in the Content Browser and adjust its properties as needed.